Monday, December 5, 2016

Iter Logicae - Latin Edition of the Path of Logic

Iter Logicae

The "Path of Logic" is now also available in Latin, the language of logic.

It is a revised, shortened and improved edition of the manual for logic and reason in classical Latin. It includes new graphics and a shorter, restructured and more compact text. 
The booklet is available in PDF as well as MOBI and EPUB format for e-readers. It can be downloaded from this link or from the download section in the right column of this blog. 
It is also available for US$ 3.58 as paperback at Amazon.


    Axiomata Logicae Classicae
    Logica Syllogistica
    Logica Propositionalis
    Fallaciae Deductivae
    Fallaciae Inductivae
  Methodi Disceptandi
  Logica Pragmatica
    Principia Sermonis Rationalis
    Voluntariae Fallaciae Rhetoricae
    Purgatio Affectionum
    Abstinentia ab Iudiciis Inutilibus
    Abstinentia a Paenitentia
    Superatio Anxiae
    Superatio Doloris
    Vitia contra Logicam

Monday, November 14, 2016

New Theory of Gravity Might Explain Dark Matter
A new theory of gravity might explain the curious motions of stars in galaxies. Emergent gravity, as the new theory is called, predicts the exact same deviation of motions that is usually explained by invoking dark matter. Prof. Erik Verlinde, renowned expert in string theory at the University of Amsterdam and the Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics, published a new research paper today in which he expands his groundbreaking views on the nature of gravity. [...]
According to Erik Verlinde, there is no need to add a mysterious dark matter particle to the theory. In a new paper, which appeared today on the ArXiv preprint server, Verlinde shows how his theory of gravity accurately predicts the velocities by which the stars rotate around the center of the Milky Way, as well as the motion of stars inside other galaxies.
"We have evidence that this new view of gravity actually agrees with the observations, " says Verlinde. "At large scales, it seems, gravity just doesn't behave the way Einstein's theory predicts."

Read more at:
According to Erik Verlinde, there is no need to add a mysterious dark matter particle to the theory. In a new paper, which appeared today on the ArXiv preprint server, Verlinde shows how his theory of gravity accurately predicts the velocities by which the stars rotate around the center of the Milky Way, as well as the motion of stars inside other galaxies.
"We have evidence that this new view of gravity actually agrees with the observations, " says Verlinde. "At large scales, it seems, gravity just doesn't behave the way Einstein's theory predicts."
Finally modern physics is moving closer to giving up speculative absurdities, dark matter being the first one. Many years ago I mentioned dark matter as one example where science had lost its way and had become science fiction. I also suggested that we have to rethink our theory of gravity, if it does not fit observation.
Hopefully this new theory allows us to get rid of other "dark things" like Black Holes and singularities, which all depend on our assumptions about how gravity works. If the above theory can be confirmed it even puts the Big Bang theory into question, at least in the way as we understand it today, because it also depends heavily on gravity.
It might be a big chance to fix the contradictions that we have currently in our physical theories. And maybe theoretical physicists will learn something from it. It is wrong to become too speculative, if you have not established the basics properly.
If it is confirmed that our current theory of gravity is simply wrong, then we can throw several decades of scientific research in physics out of the window. This is more or less also the time that there was no major breakthrough in physics. It appears we were on the wrong track - and we should have noticed it long ago. If I was able to notice it with my limited understanding of physics, why did the experts in theoretical physics not notice it? Apparently there is something wrong in how our international scientific community works. Physicists have become too comfortable in their office chairs, unwilling to think critical. They simply followed the path that others had gone before them: black holes, dark matter, big bang, inflation theory,  etc. It is about time that physics gets back down to earth. Then we might also see some tangible results coming from scientific research and not just useless and unverifiable speculations about the first milliseconds after a hypothetical Big Bang.

However it gives hope to see that science is indeed able to rethink and correct its theories and to go alternative ways, even if it takes several decades. When religion gets involved in explaining the universe, even after millennia they are unable to admit any mistakes. Therefore we should never let science become a new religion.

For now it seems that science is back on the right track again.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

New Books Available for Download

The following books are now available for download. All files are free of charge from this blog (download section in the right column) or you can purchase them from

The Path of Logic

The manual for logic and reason has been revised and corrected. It is available as PDF-file or as MOBI and EPUB-file for e-readers. You can download it from this link or from the download section in the right column of this blog. The download is free at this blog, but you can also buy it for US$ 1.15 at
This book will help you to approach life in a rational way.

Symbolic Logic

This short manual develops a symbolic language that is able to translate any sentence in natural language into a formula, to which the laws of logical inference can be applied. This symbolic language allows easy translations between different languages as well as testing any argument for its logical validity. If correctly applied, any disagreement among logically thinking people can be eliminated and a consensus should always be possible.
The book is available as MOBI or EPUB-file for e-readers and free of charge. It can be downloaded at this link or from the download section in the right column of this blog.

Chronology of the Empire


This book introduces a new view of human history following the translatio imperii interpretation. This means the history of human civilization is interpreted as a succession of several dynasties each building on the achievements of the previous one. The chronology starts with the first humans and ends with the geopolitical situation of the present. It allows you to see history from a different point of view so you can see the big picture or the "red thread" that connects it all. You will suddenly understand why things are as they are and why they could not have been any different. You will understand Napoleon's actual plan and why the last two world wars happened.
The book is available as MOBI or EPUB-file for e-readers and can be downloaded free at this link or from the download section in the right column. You can also buy it at for US$ 3.47.

Monday, October 17, 2016

German Nationality - The Great European Lie

European Nationalism is an idea born in the 19th century after the devastating Napoleonic Wars that caused the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire (Sacrum Romanum Imperium). And there is particularly one nationalism that had disastrous consequences for Europe up to the present day - the German, or better called the Prussian nationalism.

Today's Europeans are told that the population of central Europe forms a distinct nationality, the "Germans" or die Deutschen, as they call themselves. However this so called Germany (named after the former Roman provinces of Germania Maior and Germania Inferior) are nothing but a hegemony of the Prussians who absorbed the northern provinces of what was left of the former Holy Roman Empire after they had defeated the Napoleonic dynasty that held the imperial throne in 1870. The Prussian king William I then declared himself Emperor and created the nation, which is today known as "Germany". But what kind of nation has only existed for 130 years, came out of nothing and currently dissolves into nothing? How can such an artificial entity be called a "nation"?
In order to give this new nation more legitimacy the Prussians and later the nationalist Hitler regime rewrote history and redefined the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) as some kind of predecessor of "Germany", so they could claim a virtual history of more than 1000 years. (1st Reich - The HRE, 2nd Reich - Imperial  Prussian rule, 3rd Reich - National Socialist regime). Hereby they ignored the fact that the Habsburg territory, the core of the former HRE did not even become part of their newly created "German nation". On the other hand it was quite convenient that at the same time Italian nationalists invaded Rome, overthrew the papal rule and created a likewise artificial nation of "Italy".

The consequences of this Prussian nationalism have been disastrous for Europe. It resulted in two world wars, the destruction of the cultural unity of Europe and currently in a massive invasion of Saracen hordes from the Middle East into the center of the continent.
The first action of the Prussian king as soon as he had declared himself Emperor, which was itself legally impossible since he was a Protestant, was turning against the Pope in Rome. Without imperial protection the capital of the former Empire was overrun by Italian nationalists setting up a kingdom in its place.
Next the Prussian dynasty (Hohenzollern) allied themselves with the archenemy of Europe, the Ottoman Turks during WWI. They helped to overthrow the Eastern Emperor, the Tsar, and hereby destabilized the entire East. And even when they were finally defeated by the Western Entente, Adolf Hitler, ruling from the Prussian capital Berlin, did not take long to start another unsuccessful world war in 1939.
Even after their second defeat the worst was still to come. The artificial nation state of "Germany" brought millions of Turkish guest workers into Europe, their former allies in the Great War and for more than 500 years the mortal enemies of European civilization, the barbarians that destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire and until today hold the former Roman capital Constantinople under illegal occupation.
Then, last year in 2015, the Prussians initiated another foreign invasion from the Arab countries. Millions of so called "refugees" (military aged, able bodied, single young men) from Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa have since then flooded European soil, invited by the government in Berlin and causing havoc all over Europe.

This is a result of a false nationalism by a nation, which is none. How can there be any national or European identity in "Germany", when it is based on a lie? The Sacrum Romanum Imperium was not not a first German Empire. Otherwise it would have been called Sacrum Germanicum Imperium. The Holy Roman Empire was the Western Roman Empire. This is why it was called Roman in the first place, just like a can of beans is labelled as "beans", because it contains beans. If it contained pineapple, it would probably be labelled as "pineapple".
The HRE was ruled by the shared power of the pope in Rome and the Emperor, which had no official seat, since Emperors were generally on campaign to protect the borders since the earliest centuries of the Roman Empire. The last Holy Roman Emperor of the Habsburg dynasty never resided in the territory, which is today Germany, but in Vienna, which belongs to Austria. Just a few years before the foundation of "Germany" the Prussians had been at war with the Habsburg dynasty who were the last Emperors of the HRE. So there is absolutely no connection at all between the former HRE and the Prussian hegemony called "Germany" (Deutschland). The Rhine and the Danube have always been Roman since the time of Caesar. Their population is unrelated to the Prussians who came from the Baltic area to central Europe. This can still be seen in the fact that the population of the Rhine and the Danube are mostly Catholic, different from the  Prussians who are Protestants. They do therefore not share a nationality with them.

The term "Germans"in an ethnic meaning would furthermore include the Franks (today's French) and the Anglo-Saxons (today's British), but it does not not include Prussians (today's North East Germany) who are no Germanic people. The names of today's countries Germany, Britain, Belgium, Spain etc refer to the names of the former Roman provinces and have nothing at all to do with any particular ethnicity. 

Since the German nationality is based on a lie to begin with, it is not surprising that these so called "Germans" had no problems to abolish their nationality in 1999, when it was decided that anybody regardless of ethnicity who was born in the territory of Germany would become a "German". Since German nationality never really existed except in rewritten Prussian history books, it is only logical that it has now become a multi-ethnic term. Anybody can be a "German": a Turk, an Arab, an Eritrean and sometimes even a European.
The people who have opposed the Western European civilization since their earliest time, the Prussians, are now committed to give the final death blow to Europe. By purposely channeling millions of Middle Eastern and North African peoples into Europe they have created a state of anarchy in European streets with terrorism, state of emergency, systematic Islamization, public mass rapes of European women, violent crime and selective application of the law.

If Europe wants to survive, it has first to overcome this unhistorical nationalism that still rules the thinking of its people. "Germany" is no nation, it has never been one. It would be wise to restore the traditional Sacrum Romanum Imperium, the Western Roman Empire (not necessarily a "holy" one) in order to restore European unity, something that artificial nation states will never be able to achieve.
For this purpose it is necessary to know history, to know that there was no such thing as "Germany" or "Italy" before the latter part of the 19th century. Before this time there was only one Empire, ruled by a Pope and an Emperor, and all the princes and nobles of Europe had somehow family relations with each other. There was a deep rooted sentiment of unity that allowed for minor conflicts among the nobility and their armies but would never have allowed world wars and genocides of Europeans by other Europeans. And it would not have allowed a mass invasion of hostile barbarian hordes. 

Nationalism has destroyed the idea of a Western European civilization, and it will continue to do so. There are no European nations, there is only Europe.
And while an "Italian" is no foreigner in "Germany", since he is still on his European soil, a Saracen (Turk, Arab or other Mohammedan) will always remain a foreigner in Europe, no matter how many papers he has to prove the opposite.
A Saracen may become a German or an Italian, which are meaningless words, but he will never be a European. Only a European is a European.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


There is an irrational belief circulating, especially among uneducated people, that the world is controlled by an evil conspiracy of so called "Illuminati". They are supposed to worship the devil and to be responsible for all the evil in the world. Politicians, businessmen as well as celebrities from the entertainment industry are suspected to be their members. Freemasons or think tanks like the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission are believed to be their visible representations. This conspiracy theories took off in the Internet but also spread through questionable documentaries distributed as DVDs and TV productions.
We should not discard a theory without proper investigation. Therefore I did some investigation and the shocking truth is:

The Illuminati Exist!!!

Yes, it is all true! They exist, they rule the world, many of our elites belong to them and they oppose the Christian Church.
However this is no reason to despair. The true nature of the Illuminati is rather trivial and is nothing to worry about.

What does Illuminati actually mean?

The word "Illuminati" is Latin (plural of illuminatus) and means "The Enlightened Ones" in English. It refers to those people who belong to the philosophical movement of the Enlightenment, which is called "Illuminatio" in Latin. The Enlightenment marked the 18th and to some part already the 17th century and was also called "The Age of Reason". Since the prevalent language among scholars in this time was still Latin, it was often referred to as the already mentioned Illuminatio.

Now, what was the Enlightenment?
It is quite sad that I have to explain this today. I assume that most who read this are familiar with the word, but unfortunately the majority of people today are not. So I will give a short simplified summary.

The philosophy of the Enlightenment is what our modern civilization is based on. It meant that reason replaced faith as source of knowledge. It also meant that man, not god became the fundament of ethical questions, which is what we call humanism today. It included the establishment of natural law and Human Rights into our legal system and led to the rise of democracy, which eventually replaced the monarchy and the feudal system of the Middle Ages. As a result the nobility and the clerics lost their political influence. Furthermore it meant that science and the scientific method were taught in schools to children.

Since there was no Internet yet in the 18th century, the discussions took place in clubs, Masonic lodges and meetings of the educated bourgeoisie. This is apparently the reason why the Illuminati get usually associated with the Freemasons and think tanks.
The thinkers of the Enlightenment were usually Deists or Agnostics and opposed the privileges of the Church and their hierarchy. This is why they got later accused of opposing the christian god and helping the devil. For the simple christian mindset everybody who is not on their side is on the side of the devil.

The Enlightenment resulted in the American Revolution and the foundation of the United States of America as well as the French Revolution. So it does not come as surprise that conspiracy theorists discover "Illuminati symbols" all over the origins of American history.

The thinkers of the Enlightenment had great influence on the political leadership and were often members of the democratic ruling class. This is where the accusation of ruling the world finds its explanation. Yes, indeed, the world is controlled by republicans, by the principles of human rights and by supporters of the free market system. These are the people that carry the values of the Age of Enlightenment and who are in Latin referred to as illuminati.

Do we have to fear the Illuminati?

If you do not fear democracy, human rights, a free market system, science, education and a secular state, then you do not have to fear the Illuminati.  However if these are the things that you consider to be satanic, unholy, and simply wrong, and if you want the society of the Middle Ages back, where the bible defined what was true and false and the world was ruled by clerics and superstition, then you have good reasons to fear the Illuminati. These evil Illuminati can really spoil the fun that you could have burning heretics and rejecting reason and the scientific method. School would be so much easier, if we could get rid of science and all those boring books and limit education to the bible or the quran.

What does the fear of the Illuminati say about our society?

If people start having fear of the Enlightenment, i.e. the Illuminatio, it says a lot about where we are heading to. Apparently the "Age of Reason" is over and is getting demonized. Superstition and barbarism are the new standards. Those of us who received a classic education in proper schools are defamed as Illuminati giving this actually positive word a derogative meaning. Those who oppose the Age of Enlightenment, want new Dark Ages to come over the world. Instead of science and philosophy they are teaching worthless nonsense passing as "social sciences" in our schools and universities. We can see it in the spread of radical Islam what the future has in store for mankind - ignorance and superstition instead of reason and logic. Those who divulge conspiracy theories about Illuminati are the new barbarians who want to destroy modernity and its achievements.
We have the choice between Illuminatio and Tenebrae, Enlightenment or Darkness.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Gravitational Waves - "Cosmic breakthrough" or waste of money?

Today in the News:
Cosmic breakthrough: Physicists detect gravitational waves from violent black-hole merger

Scientists announced Thursday that they have succeeded in detecting gravitational waves from the violent merging of two black holes in deep space. The detection was hailed as a triumph for a controversial, exquisitely crafted, billion-dollar physics experiment and as confirmation of a key prediction of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
Another example of modern pseudo-science and an explanation why science has reached a complete standstill during the last decades producing nothing that had made it into any practical application.
This giant and costly project, whose apparently only purpose of existence was providing a regular income for incompetent "scientists" who knew that they would be unable to produce any tangible results in their lifetime but nevertheless enjoyed the reputation that being a scientist brings with it, now claims that they have actually measured gravitational waves.

The measurement was done by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). This is in short words an oversized interferometer (2.5 miles), which is able to detect tiny microscopical length distortions, which are supposed to be caused by gravitational waves. Such an experiment requires a really high degree of precision. 

And here we have the first flaw of the experiment. The facility was built on Earth. Apparently these scientists forgot that Earth is a tectonically active planet, apart from all the other environmental influences  that occur there. Therefore it is theoretically impossible to reach such a high degree of accuracy, which would be required for any useful result. Whatever length distortions they may have been measured, is more likely due to some seismic activity rather than two black holes over 5 billion light years away.
I do not even want to go into astrophysical details asking how these mysterious objects called "black holes" are supposed to merge, since we know from General Relativity that time itself slows down at the proximity of a black hole and reaches a standstill at the Schwarzschild radius, the horizon of the black hole.
But whatever event they claim to have taken place hen these super-massive objects merged, we should also have been able to measure more than just gravitational waves. Where was the corresponding gamma radiation in the sky? Not all the energy would go into gravitational waves, a lot must also have been emitted as electromagnetic waves. They could claim it was hidden by a nebula or some other object, but this is a too convenient excuse. Fact is that this LIGO experiment is no sufficient evidence and it is not even theoretically suited to provide such an evidence.

As the article admits, it was a controversial experiment. And there was a lot of pressure on these scientists to come up with some justification for the billion of dollars that they had received.
This project was a waste of money. It did not give us any further insights into the nature of gravity that Einstein had not given us already hundred years ago. Its results will not lead to any practical application and be of no consequence. Neither can they be verified independently by other observations. But this is exactly what today's scientists want: a well-paid job without the need to show anything, which can be verified or put to some use.
We do not need this kind of research. We need nuclear fusion, spacecrafts and MagLev trains. Astrophysics cannot be done from an armchair. Proper astrophysics has to e done in space. If we want to do research on black holes, we have to fly there and watch it from close up. Since we cannot do this, any such research is useless.
The philosopher Epicurus had already thousands of years ago established the proper methodology of science and inductive reasoning in general. There is no absolute truth knowable by the scientific method. Any model or theory that does not contradict any observation is equally valid. we have already a theory on gravity - Einstein's General Relativity. And this theory is valid until we make an observation that contradicts it. We do not need to waste billions of dollars for an experiment that claims to prove it, as long as we have no other observations, which are relevant to us and can support or falsify this theory.
Setting up an experiment that might support a theory or otherwise might be inconclusive is methodically incorrect. A theory is valid as long as it is not falsified. It will not become more valid by such an experiment that could support it but not falsify it.

No, the LIGO experiment has not proved Einstein right. Its results may be in accordance with Einstein's theory about gravitational waves, but they are no proof. A lot of money was wasted that could have been put to better use.